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August 29, 2024

Lie Detector Test in Wakefield Identifies Male Escort

A new relationship was faced with difficulties when rumours started to surface that the clients boyfriend offered Sexual Escort services in the East Midlands area. This was prior to their relationship commencing. This obviously came as a shock to the client and she could not move forward until the rumours were confirmed or refuted. A previous Lie detector test in Hull revealed the partner had not been entirely honest about the past. The second Lie Detector Test In Wakefield confirmed the clients suspicions. A Polygraph test is never an easy process for any person, including Truth Verification Examiners. In saying that, Lie Detector Tests are hugely beneficial in identifying possible deception. In this specific case the couple approached professional counselling and are working through the issues.

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UK Lie Detector Services

As an experienced examiner, I utilise the latest state-of-the-art polygraph and lie detector testing equipment coupled with a compassionate ear, to help my clients to uncover the truth they deserve. I have Lie Detector Test offices year you and Polygraph tests are offered Nationwide.
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