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June 11, 2024

Lie Detector Test Reveals Long-Term Infidelity in Peterborough and Milton Keynes

A Life-Changing Decision

Lie detector tests in Peterborough and Milton Keynes have proven instrumental in helping individuals make pivotal decisions in their lives. Recently, a woman found herself facing a heart-wrenching situation when a hidden diary, discovered in the ceiling of her home, revealed her spouse's sexual affairs spanning over two decades. The entries detailed encounters with numerous colleagues and one of her closest friends.

Uncovering the Truth

Fueled by suspicion, she sought the truth through a lie detector test. The examination, conducted in a controlled office environment in Peterborough, provided the setting where her spouse admitted to multiple infidelities, including with close family friends. The test's accuracy and the professional handling of the situation ensured her safety and privacy throughout the process.

Professional and Confidential Service

At Lies2Light, we prioritize our clients' safety and confidentiality. This case highlights the profound impact that a lie detector test can have, offering clarity and peace of mind in even the most challenging circumstances. Our commitment is to provide accurate and discreet results, helping individuals like this woman make informed, life-changing decisions.

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UK Lie Detector Services

As an experienced examiner, I utilise the latest state-of-the-art polygraph and lie detector testing equipment coupled with a compassionate ear, to help my clients to uncover the truth they deserve. I have Lie Detector Test offices year you and Polygraph tests are offered Nationwide.
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