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Bringing the truth to light

Expert Lie Detector Testing

Private & Professional Tests For £425

With over three decades of investigative experience, I firmly believe in the power of truth. As a seasoned polygraph and lie detector test examiner, I employ the latest cutting-edge technology along with a compassionate approach to assist my clients across the UK in discovering the truth they seek. We have a Lie Detector near you.


  • SAPFED Southern African Polygraph Federation Logo
One of the most important or valuable things of our time is truth; but the challenge is, how do we get to the truth? The polygraph instrument is the most technologically advanced instrument designed by mankind in exposing a truth or a lie.

Welcome to Lies2Light

Dedicated To Seeking the Truth

Welcome to Lies2Light UK Lie Detector Services. I’m Justin Erasmus, an independent polygraph testing & lie detector testing examiner, here to help you seek the truth by exposing lies and deception. I truly believe that my fundamental vocation in life has always been to help people; impacting lives and creating hope is what my entire being revolves around.
Justin Erasmus

Welcome to Lies2Light

Dedicated To Seeking the Truth

Welcome to Lies2Light UK Lie Detector Services. I’m Justin Erasmus, an independent polygraph testing & lie detector testing examiner, here to help you seek the truth by exposing lies and deception. I truly believe that my fundamental vocation in life has always been to help people; impacting lives and creating hope is what my entire being revolves around.
Justin Erasmus

Get in Touch Today

Book your free, no-obligation & completely confidential consultation, and let’s uncover the truth together for your total peace of mind, through expert lie detector services.
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UK Lie Detector Services

How Can I Help?

At Lies2Light, our mission is to empower clients with accurate and reliable information, creating hope in their lives by helping them to discover the truth. Whether you are looking for lie detector services for your spouse, a private matter, a criminal investigation, or a pre-employment check, I am here to help.

We offer a free, no-obligation, and completely confidential consultation. Contact us today to discuss your lie detector testing needs and requirements. Let's uncover the truth together for your total peace of mind, through expert lie detector services.
My Services

Spouse Lie Detector Testing


Feeling uncertain or insecure in your relationship? Are you questioning your partner’s commitment or loyalty? Trust issues can severely strain a relationship, with doubts about infidelity and unfaithfulness gradually causing irreparable harm between you and the one you love. Our Spouse Lie Detector Test service can provide you with the answers you need to help restore your faith and confidence or, alternatively, to free yourself from blame before accusations are made.

Private Lie Detector Testing


We work with absolute discretion and confidentiality, helping private clients who are dealing with family or personal matters which cannot be resolved. From domestic violence or gambling issues, to illicit drug usage, false accusations, family disputes, pornography usage, personal theft and addiction, my Private Lie Detector Tests can bring clarity back into your life – allowing you to move on and achieve the closure you’re seeking.

Criminal Lie Detector Testing


In the pursuit of a criminal case, evidence forms the building blocks of an investigative process: used to support or refute arguments and helping one to make a decision. The polygraph process is a fundamental tool in the process of gathering evidence, and I have personal experience in conducting lie detector testing for a wide range of crimes with tremendous success; from fraud, theft and corruption to armed robbery, murder and sexual assault.

Pre-Employment Lie Detector Testing


Hiring the right person for a position is central to the success of any business. Are you employing or promoting the right candidate? Weighing risk versus reward is a serious decision – one that should be based on sound insight into your potential employee instead of taking a chance and hoping for the best. With a Pre-Employment Lie Detector Test, you’ll feel confident about your next hire. Let us help you make an informed hiring decision with specialist polygraph tests.

What My Clients Say: Amazing Amazing*Saved my relationship*Calm and relaxed*Top man Justin

"Truth is the most valuable thing in the world. It's so valuable, it's often attended by a bodyguard of lies."
Winston Churchhill

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Get in Touch With Justin

Bring The Lies To Light - UK Lie Detector Tests

Without any third-party customer service teams or booking agents, with Lies2Light you can enjoy speaking directly to the examiner for the highest quality of personal service from the start. Contact us today to discuss your lie detector testing needs and requirements in a free, discreet, and completely confidential consultation.
United Kingdom
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UK Lie Detector Services

As an experienced examiner, I utilise the latest state-of-the-art polygraph and lie detector testing equipment coupled with a compassionate ear, to help my clients to uncover the truth they deserve. I have Lie Detector Test offices year you and Polygraph tests are offered Nationwide.
© 2022 Lies2Light UK Lie Detector Services. All rights reserved.